What is the best way to view volatility?
Beta. After standard deviation, beta is generally the second most popular metric for stock volatility. Beta helps to determine the broad risk profile of an asset. Investors typically use beta to gauge risk for equities housed within a leading index fund such as the S&P 500.
Not: Yatırım tavsiyesi almak yerine, geçmiş verileri inceleyerek kendi kararınızı vermeniz gerekir; bu yüzden bu bilgiler yatırım tavsiyesi değildir.
Beta. After standard deviation, beta is generally the second most popular metric for stock volatility. Beta helps to determine the broad risk profile of an asset. Investors typically use beta to gauge risk for equities housed within a leading index fund such as the S&P 500.
Not: Yatırım tavsiyesi almak yerine, geçmiş verileri inceleyerek kendi kararınızı vermeniz gerekir; bu yüzden bu bilgiler yatırım tavsiyesi değildir.